Sunday, September 21, 2008

Two of a kind; but each their own

Thanks to all my wonderful friends who threw us a fun, unique shower last weekend! My sweet girlfriends decided it would be fun to shower us with matching clothes for Ellie and Aubrey and I couldn't wait to see what they'd come up with! First of all, they decorated in zebra and pink theme - which I LOVED! I took Ellie with me so she could help open and since half of the presents were for her! She loved helping me open everything - and then played when she got too bored. Thank you everyone for a fun time - I can't wait to see these two in all their matching clothes! One girl even got pajamas because her girls love having matching pjs. Now that I think about it, Amy and I had a lot of matching pjs, only hers were pink and mine were purple - good memories!


Darby said...

What fun!! I love them all!! Now, no worries about having them in matching clothes... you're all set!