Well, we've definitely made headway in the last couple of weeks. As you saw in the post before this, the bedding is finished. So, here's my list - and since I'm such a list maker, I've added a few more (some that are already crossed off!).
- Finish last bumper for crib - CHECK!
- Finish sewing changing table skirt - CHECK!
- Find stuff to decorate the walls - name, shelves, art, etc. - Have shelves and made French Memory Board
- Find bookcase for Ellie
- Find baskets to put stuff in/organize - CHECK!
- Make a sling? (need more fabric)
- Make/buy a diaper bag
- Make presents for SIL's baby Zoe!
- Normal, everyday life stuff
- Rachel's shower - CHECK!
- My shower, next Saturday
- Ellie's Birthday Party - 9/20
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