Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Aubrey's First Gifts

I am reminded each day of how much people that surround our family love us unconditionally and take delight in us, even if we hardly know them. It compels me to want to be more Christlike in many ways; but in these instances, I want to show and take the time to communicate what someone means to me or our family.

A lady at our church whom I've become very fond of for her volunteerism, her can-do attitude, and her desire to just serve regardless of how it may inconvenience her, gave me Aubrey's first presents today. I don't think she can be inconvenienced. (Now, this is an attitude I struggle with immensely and which my husband does a great job reflecting for me. Sometimes I wonder how someone could not feel inconvenienced - that shows the extent to which I struggle with it!) Anyways, and she's not one of those meek people who you wish would stand up for themselves. Oh no, she's got a voice and the height to match! But she enjoys serving. So, she helped me a bunch with our church directory a couple of months ago and she and Ellie became 'tight'! It didn't hurt that Ellie always got a lollipop from her! Well, she surprised me with her generosity and immense talent with this beautiful basket of custom, handmade items for Aubrey and Ellie.
In this basket are: 2 bunnies with each girls initials on them, the burp cloth you see with Aubrey's initials - which I love, in part because they are very familiar: they remind my of my sister's maiden initials which were AED and Aubrey's are AEW, 2 white pillows with white trim with each of the girls initials, 2 pairs of matching socks: one for Ellie and one for Aubrey with lace sewn on, 2 dresses for Ellie: one with her initials and the other with 'Big Sister', and the most beautiful crocheted dress and booties for Aubrey - that Rhonda made!!!! She told me she used to sell this stuff and let me tell you, she does amazing work! Here they are (pics don't do justice):What a blessing to have this new, precious friend in our lives! Thank you, Rhonda!!