Monday, August 25, 2008

T Minus 5 weeks and 2 days!

Well, Aubrey will be here in 5 weeks and 2 days! We scheduled the repeat C-section last week for 7:30am Wednesday, October 1st. Unless she comes early, that's her birthday! That means I've got a list to conquer. Let's see:

  • Finish last bumper for crib
  • Finish sewing changing table skirt
  • Find stuff to decorate the walls - name, shelves, art, etc.
  • Find bookcase for Ellie
  • Find baskets to put stuff in/organize
  • Make a sling?
  • Make/buy a diaper bag
  • Normal, everyday life stuff
You know, if it didn't take me so long to complete projects, I would have this all done by now; but oh well - it does.


Stephanie said...

Don't worry, you can do it! You're Super Mom!

Alyssa @ KeepingTheKingdomFirst said...

That is quite a list! I love how you plan to make your own items- how very frugal!

Thank you so much for linking to my blog, by the way. I really appreciate it!