Well, we were supposed to go to Pensacola for Labor Day weekend; but Gustav has us thinking twice. If it comes here, we'll need to prepare. If it goes to Pensacola or close to their west, my parents will have to prepare. So, we're staying put after all. Which is a bummer because this was supposed to be our annual Labor Day with my family. But even more than that, it's a bummer because somewhere, someone else is going to be affected by another tropical system. Living in Florida all my life, you get used to the threat of storms; but the devastation that some experience (thankfully never me) is something you never get used to. We got dumped on this past weekend by Tropical Storm Fay more than we've ever been by any other storm in the 14 years I've lived in Tallahassee. My in-laws house is flooded, my friends have a river for a street right now, and Lake Ella spilled into Monroe Street - crazy!
You can see more images of Lake Ella here. We got over 20" of rain! So, of course those affected most by the flooding can't stand to have more. Pensacola just finished the new I-10 bridge which replaced the old one that was ripped apart by Ivan 4 years ago. And we all know New Orleans is still reeling from Katrina. It was three years ago that we were waiting the arrival of Ellie and wondering if hurricanes were going to hit us. Now we're waiting the arrival of Aubrey and wondering the same thing. We know our God will take care of all of us; but it's still a little nerve-racking!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Is it Hurricane Season or something?!
Posted by Julie Wolfe at 10:14 PM 0 comments
It's a Jungle Out There...err, in here!
With all the rain we've gotten recently, the 'wild' things that love damp climates and woodsy habitats have been out in abundance at our house. So much so that they're looking for a new place to live - in our house! Here are three such animals I saw just today:
A Blue-Tailed Skink (in the house), an American Green Tree Frog (in the house), and a Luna Moth (fortunately on the outside of the sliding glass door)
Posted by Julie Wolfe at 9:59 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
T Minus 5 weeks and 2 days!
Well, Aubrey will be here in 5 weeks and 2 days! We scheduled the repeat C-section last week for 7:30am Wednesday, October 1st. Unless she comes early, that's her birthday! That means I've got a list to conquer. Let's see:
- Finish last bumper for crib
- Finish sewing changing table skirt
- Find stuff to decorate the walls - name, shelves, art, etc.
- Find bookcase for Ellie
- Find baskets to put stuff in/organize
- Make a sling?
- Make/buy a diaper bag
- Normal, everyday life stuff
Posted by Julie Wolfe at 8:20 AM 2 comments
Recommittment to Blogging!
Okay, I know it's been over a month again since I've blogged. I have the hardest time just sitting down to blog something little each day. I'd rather wait until I've got something bigger to talk about; but then that takes forever and you haven't seen what's been going on in our lives. So, I'm going to try to blog something small each day so you'll stay informed (and I won't forget the small joys of each day)!
With that said, enough of the rain already! I know I shouldn't complain. I keep reminding myself of Noah having to endure 40 days of it. And I'm not in my in-laws situation, who've had to leave their home because they were told it was going to flood. I'll let you know more about that when I catch up with them later. For me, it's the inconvenience of not being able to get out of the house - either literally due to no electricity to open the garage door! (thanks again, Webb's, for letting me out!) or just because it's such a hassle with a little one to try to get out in the rain. However, I am learning little by little not to be so inconvenienced because that shows an attitude of pride and overall discontent and that is not how we're supposed to live. Once again, the biggest turn-off is watching or listening to your child repeat things you've said that are so ugly - and this really makes me want to change. The other day she said 'Mom, the stupid yogurt got in my hair.' WOW! If that didn't sound like me and sooo repulsive. Thanks for the 'mirror', Ellie. Hopefully, it's making me a better example - and a more joyful individual.
Posted by Julie Wolfe at 7:54 AM 2 comments