So Ellie loves to sing - she always has. But lately, she's wanted to get in my lap and go through her repertoire, especially before going to bed. We are onto her - believe me - the girl's got game and we know it! We don't let it get out of hand; but it is really cute. First, we sing "Jesus, I know", which translated means "Jesus Loves Me"! Then "Itsy, Bitsy Pider", "Patty Cake", "Head, Toes" (the poor shoulders and knees always get left out!) and we finish with "Jesus, I know" again! It's so cute. For all of them but "Jesus Loves Me", she sits straight up to do the motions; but for that one, she lays her head on my chest every time. And I just eat it up! We've sung that one since she was a baby - it was the only thing that would calm her sometimes. Recently, due to preschool, "We Give Thanks" and "Happy and you know it" have made the short list of favorite songs by Ellie. We'll let you know when the first CD has been cut!
Adoption Fundraiser
7 years ago
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