Okay, so I may be copying this idea from another friend; but it's so fun to share! So, here are a few things I'm loving right now:
- Palmer's Shea Butter Lotion with Vitamin E - This stuff is amazing! My skin, which is never dry,
has been unusually thirsty so far this pregnancy. Like, I've been covering up so I don't scare anyone with my scaliness! So, off to Walmart I went not even two weeks ago and got this lotion. It is AMAZING and my skin is almost back to normal. Thank the Lord since it's almost pool season!
- Glade Plug-Ins with Clean Linen Scent - Thank God for wonderful friends who d
on't mind sharing secrets! I learned about this one from one dear friend when I walked into her new house and it smelled like another great friend's house! I had to have it - and she told me. They're a little expensive to start - about $7; but the refills aren't too bad and you can find coupons for them.
- Williams-Sonoma Spatulas - We happened upon these a c
ouple of years ago, got a whole set and they're still in perfect condition! The great thing about these is that they're heat resistant to 500 degrees, you can remove the plastic heads from the handle so they don't mold on the inside and you can get them personalized! At $20 for a set of three plus $10 for the must-have spoonula, it's a really good deal and a great gift item!
- Combos - Pizzeria Pretzel flavor! I've actually loved these for a long time and can eat a whole ba
g at a time!! Since I'm pregnant, I try not to feel too bad about making a meal out of them! Now, before you go thinking "a whole bag of chips!?", they make the bags so small it's hard to justify saving any for later - except that they cost the same as a whole bag of chips! So, when Publix had them 3/$4, I couldn't pass it up. I tried to share with Brian; but he claimed he didn't like that flavor anymore - Darn!
- Miss Oops Popper Stopper - What a funny name, huh? Well, it serves a funny purpose. These are patches that cover your popping belly button when you're pregnant! And since my belly button has been somewhat out since around week 8!!!! (and I'm only at 15 weeks now), I've already ordered some! It popped early with Ellie; but not that early! I don't know why I didn't think about covering it the first time. So, all you pregnant ladies with pregnant outies, help is on the way!
That's it for now. I'll add more as I come across them. Here's the token picture of Ellie! She and her daddy were painting while mommy was resting and decided body painting would be fun! I'm so thankful for Brian and how his personality and gifting compliments my own. I would have NEVER done this; but I'm so glad they did!
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