Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dear Goawd...

Okay, I had to post one more for the night. We've been praying with Ellie at dinner and bedtime for quite some time now. For the past two or three months, we say a prayer and have her repeat it line by line. It almost brings us to tears because it is so cute and so neat to hear her praying to her creator, protector, Father and friend. We've got to get the video before she gets any older. Here's a sample script, though. You have to make all the things Ellie says go up on the end!

Dear God (Dear Goawd)
Thank you (tank u)
For my family (famiwy)
and my friends (fwiends)
and my blessings (bwessings).
Give me a good night's sleep (sweep).
I love you (wuv u)
Thank you (tank u)
for loving me (wuving me).
Amen (Amen - excitedly).

This just melts your heart!