In our family, and probably most others I know, new babies bring more home improvement projects. Of course we are redoing Ellie's room of five years to fit a little boy, we've moved the girls into bunk beds in Aubrey's room (now for the two of them and they're doing great) and we've finally tackled the 'guest/kids' bathroom upstairs. It was the last room to have lovely black, gray and pink wallpaper in it and it was time to go. When I saw this set at Target, I knew that was it! I hesitated on the pirate octopus but Brian said we had to have it for Ethan, so I went back and got it.
Dad came over to help install beadboard and paint this weekend and it turned out great (well, it's not quite finished but close enough)! I'll post pictures when it's done. He and Brian only made like 20 trips to Lowe's to get various things throughout the weekend. I sure hope one of those receipts lands us that $2500 gift card they say it will!
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