Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mommy Feel Good Moment

I hope y'all have a bunch of these. I probably have more than I realize; but yesterday was a good one. We were driving home from our day at the beach and Aubrey was crying from exhaustion and not wanting to go to sleep. As we've done many times before, Ellie started singing Jesus Loves Me to her. Then she changed songs and started singing a song we call 'Jesus' that I sing to Ellie many nights - usually when she's scared. Lately I've noticed her really watching my mouth and trying to memorize the words. Well, she did it! And she sang it to Aubrey over and over, even after she was calm. What a sweet spirit and a teachable moment that when we take the time to invest kingdom values in them, they will take root! I learned the song when I was little.

Here are the words:
Jesus, Name above all names,
Beautiful Savior,
Glorious Lord.
God is with us,
Blessed Redeemer,
Living Word.

And here are some pictures from our day!

Click Here to see more.

Hope y'all had a great weekend!


Ashley said...

What a sweet moment!! I love that song and can only imagine how you felt hearing Ellie singing it to Aubrey!! Made me want to cry!! Glad you had a good day!

Stephanie said...

So precious! What a good big sister. I enjoyed your pictures too.