Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We're Back!

I'm sure you're beginning to wonder if we've fallen off the face of the earth or think our life has nothing to report.  Sometimes I do feel like that and feel blessed that I have nothing crazy to report; but at the same time I'm missing opportunities to report on life as it happens each day.  That's okay - two months of no posting is nothing to feel guilty about, right?  I had to take a little break from the blogging world - and I don't even do it near as much as others I know! But the pressure of doing it is sometimes enough to break me down.  I'm just being honest.  And living life through reading other people's blogs or facebook statuses robs me of living my life and that's what was happening.  When you begin to think in terms of 'I've gotta blog about that' and 'Julie is...', there's a little imbalance happening there.  Especially when you're not doing taking care of your responsibilities around your world or creating memories for your family.  So, I took a hiatus to re-focus on what I should spend my time doing.  It has definitely been freeing; but I've got a long way to go!

Enjoy my look back on the past couple of months!

The token pumpkin patch picture.  Of course we chose a cloudy day; but at least it wasn't raining!

Ellie was Iridessa for Halloween and wanted her hair braided!  So, we sat for an hour and a half and braided her hair.  I thought it turned out really cute!

The day after Aubrey's birthday, she finally got her cake!  And loved it!  We had to cancel her party because Brian and Ellie were sick.  We made it up to her, though!  See below:

Aubrey's second attempt at a birthday celebration came at the same time as Brian's birthday. We enjoyed Mexican with friends.  Aubrey had fried ice cream and Brian had a tequila shot!
And this is my precious baby with her favorite animal in the world.  We call him Dog Dog and he has slept with her every night for quite some time.  Mom and Tom have it to her; but I don't remember the occasion.  I started giving it to her to see if she would adopt a 'lovie' (ellie never did).  She loves him alright; but we leave him in bed during the day.  Her favorite part?  His tag off the back of his left leg!  Yet another thing Ellie didn't care for -tags.  Aubrey loves them and every time you give her an animal, she turns it around to find the tag.  So precious!